On-premises equipment
Significant discoveries in modern science are not possible without modern technological equipment.
One of the main priorities of ICP are advanced research facilities for own researchers.
ICP research facilities provide both high quality of scientific results and various industry-specific scientific expertises.
Atomic Force Microscope (with inverted optical microscope) Asylum Research MFP-3D BIO
Atomic Force Microscope is a high resolution type of scanning probe microscopy used for surface analysis. X&Y axes: 90µm range in closed loop; resolution 0.5nm limited only by sensor noise. Sensor linearity better than 0.5%. Z axis: >15µm range; resolution 0.25nm limited only by sensor noise. Sensor linearity better than 0.05%. Optional Extended Z Head with range >40µm and resolution 0.3nm. | ![]() |
Physical Parameter Measurement System (PPMS)
![]() | DynaCool 9T is fully cryogen free system allowing to work in the temperature range of 2 - 400K. It has a variable temperature insert and base temperature of 2K from 300K can be reached in only 40 minutes; option to set and sweep magnetic field in the range of -9 - 9T. Our Dynacool9T is equipped with 3 options 1) resistivity, 2) thermal transport, 3) electrical transport, allowing to perform fully automated DC and thermal transport measurements under mentioned environmental conditions. |
TG/DTA-FTIR coupled devices: thermogravimetry for analysis of decomposition, melting and analysis of reaction, infrared spectrometry for determination of chemical bonds. Seiko Exstar 6300 and Bruker Vertex 70v Working regimes: 1) TG/DTA heating rate 1-90 °C/min up to 1200 °C, variable heating rate, purge gas (air, argon, nitrogen) and purge gas flow (50-200 mL/min) 2) FTIR-ATR (attenuated total reflection) 400-4000 cm⁻¹, resolution up to 0,5 cm⁻¹, in air and vacuum 3) FTIR transmission regime with possibility to press pellets (press Specac AtlasTM), 400-4000 cm⁻¹, resolution up to 1 cm⁻¹, in air, 4) TG/DTA-FTIR heating in nitrogen flow, 150mL/min, up to 1000 °C, 90 °C/min, analysis of gasous species in FTIR gas cell, 600-4000 cm⁻¹, resolution up to 2 cm⁻¹. | ![]() |
Confocal laser scanning microscope LEICA DM RA-2
![]() | Confocal imaging involves scanning one focal plane after another with a laser beam. Contains a 6 channel AOTF and allow excitation of all standard fluorescence dyes including the full range of fluorescence proteins. Image information that is not in the focal plane is cut off, resulting in extremely high contrast images. These optical sections can be viewed as a single image or compiled into 3D images with suitable Leica software. |